

I have been very interested in Light, expecially how to use the light to draw something, because I think if I use the light to draw, that would be a very interesting thing.
At the beginning, Picasso is the first person to draw with light, he just want to know, what look like if he use the light to draw.
About his results
This is my attempt, I use the camera to photo this picture.
After that I got a lot of funny image.......

I got it!!!!! Even this just practice. Also I try to make it outside.
some different feeling in the environment. 
And I think the drawing like the children hand-drawing, which look a little bit naive, but it is manifestation of the real. Because so many people do not really want to do their own thing, we have too many constraints. I think which is same as drawing, even if the color is beautiful, the composition is perfect, but those all outsiders view, not self-defeating. 

I try to play with light....
The world is so madness, why should we be so serious?

I shot these photos in this holiday.(In my hometown)

